Sunday, January 24, 2010

the spirit of the beehive

1973 Spanish film with subtitles directed by Victor Erice. I wanted to share some of my impressions of this movie and here's what I just did: compose, erase, compose,erase, compose,erase. So I think I'll just say put this on your list of movies to watch if you favor completely beguiling and elfish 6 year olds, period 1940 clothing, slow, barren and beautiful landscape, difficult to grasp but knock you over the head subtlety, dark imagination and isolation.....well, that's MY kind of movie.


Jenny Lee Fowler said...

I'm intrigued-- all that writing and erasing.

(Played on train tracks a lot as a kid...)

zoe said...

I just found your blog and must say I absolutely adore it. Spirit of The Beehive is one of my favorite movies. The sublime stillness, the beautiful landscapes, and Ana Torrent is so wonderful. Thank you for highlighting it. I've started following you, and will be back!

woodbird said...

I love this film, and Ana Torrent is a friend who spends half the year here in Marlboro. So amazing to see her young face on film...

Liane said...

that's crazy robin...that you know her. hey let's get together sometime soon, ok?