Tuesday, April 13, 2010

vintage cabinet cards

i've always passed up vintage cabinet cards for the casual snapshot but today i'm thinking that's been a mistake.  there are certainly cabinet cards out there which lack that certain something which elevates them (just as with snapshots) but today i'm finding some particularly arresting, mesmerizing, strangely beautiful, oddly fascinating and plain hilarious ones.  i don't know if it's simply time which makes these images seem so ghostly and removed or something particular to the format.  i seem to be drawn to the women rather than the images of men.  there's real strangeness and beauty here.  these particular pictures came from the shops obscurio and happysteiler.


Menagerie Soaps said...

I'm in love with these photos!

littlebyrd said...

That first one...I would love to have that one.

Julie said...

My favorite is the one of the conjoined twins!
Thanks for sharing - joking aside, these are lovely, as is your blog!