Sunday, January 31, 2010

trouble sleeping

Well, it's 4:30 AM and I'm sitting here in front of the computer screen. This is getting to be a regular occurrence. I wake up often in the middle of the night, especially when I got stuff on my mind. And I'm fairly certain I should not resort to getting on the computer at these times but lately I do. I used to write poems during my bouts of insomnia. Now I surf the web. Ugh.

I'm thinking I'll tell you about my somewhat boring day yesterday. (Cheers all around!) I didn't clean the house, do laundry, go for walks, organize paperwork for taxes or grocery shop. That's all the stuff I wished I'd done. I did go out to breakfast and share a "hungryman" with Eli, watch Mr. Eli's basketball game, sit in front of the wood stove listening to Joanna Newsom, load the beater truck with garbage and recycling for the dump, and then order mexican in and watch billy elliot again. And now that I look at the list of things I DID do, its not a bad bunch of things to do at all, is it?

Checking my favorite blogs tonite (er, this morning) I found this post of Amy Merrick's. She's one of those people I know through this crazy glowy internet screen but wish I could know in person. Her blog, An Apple A Day, is a really good one. She likes old stuff. And, God, the Elmwood posts. That's when I knew she was a kindred.

Anyway, if this post seems like a crazy 4:30 AM post, well, that's cuz it is. Do you guys have trouble sleeping sometimes? Do you get up and write poems?


good morning - midnight said...

i woke up at 5 in the morning here in austria. i always think it has something to do with the moon. no matter if it is a full moon or a "whatever" moon. i do love it when i wake up and nothing is on my mind... at this times it just feels nice to be up early and try to get back to sleep. and i hate it so much when things that are crawling around my head come up at this time and don't let me fall asleep again. a good medicine for this times is music i love (lately a lot of cats on fire) and browsing through flickr and through places i love (mostly italy).... last night it was one of those nights where nothing helped. i was just very upset because things are so rough and heavy sometimes. hm. i started the day with baking bread and applepie. feeling so much better right now. hope you'll have a good day to and a better night... love from vienna, m

Mandy said...

I'm more of a night owl and find my days right now frustrating because I'm between "jobs" and yet still caring for my sister and wishing there were more hours in the day to begin work on my paintings. I wish I could say I write poetry or read classic novels. I'm trying to embrace the brief "pockets" of free time in between dropping my two elementary-age daughters off at school and the doldrums of housework. One thing is for sure is that I pop over to your blog every day Liane so that I can stay connected with my inner artist and soak up all your wit and wisdom. Thank you for everything! All my best, Mandy

littlebyrd said...

Your day sounded pretty good....i like the idea of sitting in front of a wood stove listening to music. Yeah, if I have things on my mind I have trouble slepping. And if I get woken up by a noise you can pretty much know I will will be awake for 2 hours, always 2 hours. I usually just lay there and think.