Monday, February 1, 2010

my jaw drops

Abandoned 18th century buildings in Siberia found here.

In other news, I think I may have an ear infection. This is something I've not had in my adult life so I'm not sure. But I'm experiencing sort of sharp jarring pain in my left ear and it feels kind of warm. Not good, right? Have I told you I don't like going to the doctor's? I almost never go except for a yearly check up and even that I forget sometimes. I don't take any medications. What I'm saying here is I'm stoic and pain-tolerant! But I'm going away for a few days to Burlington, Vt and I'm a little concerned this ear thing is going to get worse.

When my kids were little and had the beginnings of an ear infection I would chop up garlic in olive oil, sometimes with mullein in it, then heat it up and drip it in their ear. Usually helped. But people! I got a lot to do today before I leave. And 'm already getting nervous about leaving the kids home. I practically run this place single-handed. I do not have time to mess around with my silly ear.


alexkeller said...

sorry to hear about your ear (no pun intended)
that last building looks like an old Ukrainian church.

Anonymous said...

oh my god, they're gorgeous!!!

Amber said...

I can't even come up with words to explain how beautiful those pictures are. Just... wow.

Sorry to hear about your ear. I had ear infections constantly when I was a little girl. No fun at all. I hope you feel better soon.

Deb said...

Wow! Those are incredibly beautiful structures. I want to go to Siberia and see them. Sorry to hear about your ear...and I hear you about doctors. Your garlic, mullein and olive oil sounds good. You should definitely give it a try. Hope it does the trick and your feeling better.


jamaica byles said...

Just found your blog and your flickr stream.I'm in awe....I hope you don't mind but I'm doing a post on your pillows and other images on my blog tomorrow.
Sorry about your ear.As a doctor (I'll try not to take offence at your aversion to us....we're really not all bad),I would recommend a Dr. visit if pain lasts > 48hrs. or if you have a fever.You may need an antibiotic.......
Feel free to visit my blog:
Hope you feel better.