Saturday, November 19, 2011

from my spot at the computer at the table..

do you know i don't have a passport?!  it's a real crying shame.  i've traveled in canada and been to puerto rico.  i've flown to the west coast and to florida (of all places.  sorry if you live in florida.  where i visited just wasn't for me).  

this year i am gifting myself a passport.  i am a person who needs a passport.
i am sitting here in the early morning appreciating the cool winter light.  i am also listening to the noises of a sleeping house.  i hear the dog snoring on the sofa, the hum of the refrigerator, lots of scratching in the walls from squirrels and mice making themselves at home.  but mostly i am hearing my daughter sleep fitfully.  i wake her once to ask if she is having a bad dream.  she says no and falls back to sleep.  she goes back to her bad dream and her tossing and turning.  

it took me a long time to realize your kids go lots of places you cannot go.  you can only ask them about it and hope they can tell you.


greenemama said...

yes. i don't know what to do with that truth, though. a little bit agonizing.

Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

So true about our kids... Nobody told me when I announced "I'm having a baby!" that one day they'd grow up...and live lives...and break my heart...and make me laugh and cry at the same time...and be AMAZING human beings even though maybe they were walking places I never wanted to them to. Being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever done...and the best.

Jo said...

I love these glimpses into your home.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing inside your space. It always seems so...right. Very pretty. I don't have a passport either! Put it on the list.

onesilentwinter said...

i love your space. yes you must have one..
build it and it will come..
get it and you will go:)!