Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the greenhorns

on drives or walks in the summertime i always notice home vegetable gardens.  when i spy them i get a surge of emotion- a combination of curiosity, pride, kinship, hope.   i want to walk each garden to see what's flourishing, what's succumbing to insect or disease, find out if the gardener is new to it or if they've been raising tomatoes since their grandma taught them how.  mostly i want them to know the pleasure i get with just a glimpse of their work in the dirt.  it means something to me.

   growing your own food and eating locally and in season is a popular ideal right now and i'm glad of it.  i refuse to think in negative terms- that it's a passing fad or hipster idealism.

years ago i started a farmers' market in my hometown.  i've developed relationships with farms and farmers in my area and my oldest son has worked for a few years at a local off grid organic farm.  it's an experience and relationship that will be with him the rest of his life i am sure.   i'm proud to have had a hand in that.

this documentary is playing at my local theater and i plan to go see it.  maybe you'll go see it, too.



Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

I feel the same way...I love seeing other people's gardens. When I was in Belgium the yards were a lot different and you could see so much more. I took walks just to look at gardens.

zoe said...

I live most of the time in NYC and am always so thrilled to see urban gardens. But here in my parents' neighborhood in Washington, D.C., I marvel at the amount of green space and the dearth of gardens. On their block there is ONE gardening plot, and it's in the smallest piece of backyard of any of the houses.
I've never had one a garden myself but, at this point, literally want nothing more. As a student I'm in school housing (aka 110 sq ft of space for everything I own), but I can't wait for a plot of my own and the time to properly prep and cultivate.
Good for you for putting in so much work at the farmer's market. I'm sure your community really appreciates it.


Vive la farming!!! :)

liz said...

we saw it at a local church on a very chilly, non-churchy evening. it was really great, i bet you'll love it.

Hila said...

I think it's too important (and logical) to be considered a fad.

Kara Rane said...

true Living~~ as more and more people follow their hearts Our world regains balance.

Emily Helmus said...

Me too! I love seeing new gardens pop up all over my neighborhood, and get especially excited when people have the guts to put parts of their gardens in their front yard. It practically killed me that my new back yard was too shady to have a successful garden this year, and I deeply miss my little flock of city hens. Love of food and gardening is deep in my bones. The Greenhorns movie is excellent and both previews made me tear up.