Wednesday, April 10, 2013

rising trill

it rained all last night.  it came to me about one o'clock in the morning that a car window was left open.  but i'd had a difficult evening and i couldn't care enough to drag myself out of bed to close it.  it seemed like a reasonable thing to just let go.  it's quite relative isn't it, what feels important to take care of and when?

this morning i had to go over to my old house to let my dog out.  i walked.  i took the long way and i brought my camera with me.  it was overcast, not raining but wet.  i heard a chorus of spring peepers for the second time this season.  i was alone standing on the edge of the road and i thought, i could be a frog.  i could survive the winter by hibernating under a log, my bodily fluids allowed to freeze to adapt to the cold, emerging in the spring as soon as the ice melts,  my call a rising trill.  


Inge said...

Beautiful! I suppose I could be a frog too, just let winter pass me by and wake up refreshed and ready.

Elizabeth McMurtry said...

this was an absolutely beautiful post, thank you for sharing.

little part said...

a third beautiful coming at ya...loved this one!

Susan said...

Your voice is so clear. The pictures heart achingly lovely,
Cold blooded and dormant definitely has its attractions