Thursday, September 16, 2010

rainbows and fish sticks

let's see let's see..what do i want to tell you today....

1. i just ate my once yearly plate of fish sticks.  it was both yucky and yummy.  fish sticks always give me heartburn.

2. i saw a BALD EAGLE a couple days ago!!  i practically peed myself from excitement and i had a dopey grin pasted on my face for at least an hour after.

3. i saw a rainbow, a MAGNIFICENT rainbow while driving the other day. it was actually a DOUBLE RAINBOW OMG.   pictured above.  i took 14 pictures of it.  while driving.  this is bad.  i hope oprah's not reading.  i promise to not do this again.

4. at the time i was driving to go pick up my boy ethan at the bus stop.  he was coming home from boston for a night.  isn't he SO KEE-UTE??  pictured above.

5. on the way home we saw these RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE clouds.  pictured above.

6. my dumb camera just broke.

7. my bangs look really good today.  heehee.

your turn.  i want to know your random list of current lifedom.


Chloe said...

Random lifedom. Okay, here goes:

1. Both me and my friend Emily have been waking up lately, in our separate homes, with spider bites. Yeah.

2. My cat is mentally ill. PS. I don't even know why I have a cat, or why I agreed to take a second one from a friend who was moving.

3. I ate a bunch of White Cheddar Cheez-its a little while ago. Mere minutes after swearing off junk food.

4. I got so excited today about new project ideas that it actually hurt.

5. Feeling a little crabby right now, probably because of the cat and the Cheez-its.

Thanks. You'd think this would make me feel better, but eh. Nice boots.

The Oak Leaves said...

1. Im currently singing the last song you shared with us - very good!

2. I had to make the wire armature for a twenty foot scarecrow at the nursery today - i was in charge!

3. When he tries, my husband really is handsome. Today was one of those days and i'm rather smitten...

4. My japanese anenemies are slumped over in the garden and im too lazy to go water them.

5. also i cant spell flower names correctly. so what?