Thursday, October 7, 2010


i saw this the other day via 16 house.  it's made the rounds a bit but i couldn't resist posting my favorite shots. originally via lavish locations.

ps- my chickens got out of the enclosed backyard this morning and were wandering all over the road in front of our house.  stinkers.  clearly i need to have a more secure enclosure for them.  in the past my chickens (other flocks) have had free range of the front and back yards with no fence and they naturally stayed out of the street.  but not these biddies.


annamaria potamiti said...

Fab photos! Fab place! Sorry I can't offer any advice on the chicken issue- but I do absolutely love chicken and I miss hearing roosters- I lived on a Greek island for seven years a while back and I used to love the chicken all over the place...-

BananaSaurusRex said...

Mmm, love that first photo - so pretty and I love looking through halls and rooms into other spaces. Plus, that glossy ceiling is to die for.