Sunday, October 30, 2011

no trash

i'm going to follow this project and thought you might want to as well.

since my oldest son was born 21 years ago (!!) issues surrounding environmental responsibility, healthy eating, parenting and living have been important considerations for me.  at times it veered uncomfortably close to obsession and at others i felt so overwhelmed by daily living and hardship that these ideals seemed like luxuries.  wanting to do and live "right" has caused conflicts in some personal relationships and led to frustration.  i have wondered many times why it has to be so.  

but like most things worth a damn, figuring out the how and why is a process over time and it is truly a privilege.  when something is difficult i want to stop looking upon it as unfair.  it's an opportunity to think more deeply and challenge myself.  all of the people and experiences and principles that i hold close to me are worth this.  


Janis said...

Hassah, beautiful, well said.

kelsey louise said...

Very well said. Thanks for sharing.

nicole said...

Thanks for linking to the No Trash project. I am very interested in moving in that direction too! As you say, it's not always easy, but certainly worth the effort.