Tuesday, November 15, 2011

a deeper understanding of home

by dominic stevens

it is important to note that dwelling is a process.  a house is not a product, it is an ongoing piece of careful, creative work.
we react to colour, as we do to smell, at a subconscious level.  colours we associate with particular rooms, pieces, objects from our past allow deep emotions to surface.
our house should care for us.  it should forgive us our dislikes, and celebrate with us the things that we love.


jodi said...

This is so well put. I have always felt that your home is your sanctuary, your safe place to recharge & relax & be at ease. Without that space to nurture us, we would never have the energy to put toward tackling the bigger issues in the world. (or to make art, cook good food, read worthwhile books) We ourselves must be well nourished before we can help feed the world...

Also I want to say that after almost 20 years living in a tiny, tiny house - I approach my stuff as a collection that I am constantly curating. If you don't have the space to go off into another room when you feel like it, then you have to switch up the space you do have. It's definitely a process - a necessary one!

Jeannette said...

I found this little book about the villagers in two remote small villages in Russia and thought you might like it. You probably already saw it. But just in case ...


and here



about a fox said...

oh Lianna-- you have the BEST links-- plus I love all you post-- just thought I should comment once per hundred times I visit here . .