Saturday, January 30, 2010

billy elliot

and a t-rex soundtrack? genius all around. so here's another of my favorite movies. if you haven't seen it, imma recommending it.


Peg and Awl said...

i love love love this film. I don't think that I have seen Jamie Bell in a bad one. I love that little fellow.

astulabee/nicole said...

:) I love recommendations! excellent though I have to say this spurred YEARS of my daughter and I spontaneously shouting to each other
Dance Billy Dance!!

Melissa said...

Oh my god - thank you for that clip - I LOVE that movie. Now I just have to remember to do the 'Angry Dance' whenever I feel like I'm going to swear in front of the kids..

nadine paduart said...

town called malice has long been, is my favorite song by the jam. when i saw billy elliot, and heard the song begin, i sorta fell off my chair, only to be lifted up again by the beat and the energy, the anger and the 'solution' to it. what a lovely reminder of that, here... thxs

agnes szucs said...

This movie is among my all-time favourites. :) thanks for making me recall it.