Thursday, March 4, 2010

beauty in utility


OhMyAmpersand said...

I am soooo glad that I am probably not the only one who would covet a box of lumber crayons. How can those be so pretty? Like a box of candy. Thank you for posting such lovely stuff... all the time!! :)

A Perfect Gray said...

loveliness. all of it. especially the lumbar crayons. thanks so much for the look. . .

breadandroses2 said...

Beauty in utility? Absolutely! All these objects looks completely familiar. I think I've got every one somewhere in the house, semi-lost & forgotten. Maybe I should gather them together but where to display? Every shelf & cupboard to stuffed already. Old watercolor paint tins still have a special allure. You make me appreciate again things I've sort of taken for granted. That's what happens with too much stuff. You don't see it anymore. Thanks for this, Liane!