Sunday, February 5, 2012

life through art

the old backyard.

can you see the raised beds i built myself?  i spent two weeks hauling compost with a wheelbarrow from the road out front, past the house and up the hill to fill 9 beds.  there's a giant japanese anemone in the center of the garden.

it's not an idyllic space.  i don't romanticize it.  the picket fence is rotting and falling down,  the chickens wreaked havoc on the grass, some years there were more weeds in the beds than vegetables.  

ethan visited yesterday and i snapped pictures of his sketchbook.  i love this drawing of his.  i tried editing down these photographs but i could not.  the repetition of images makes me feel like i am in the space.  like a flip book or a moving picture.  

i identify with ethan's mark-making and the way he sees things and translates them onto paper.   i share his wish to understand life through art.

here's a picture of ethan's tattoo of that giant maple.
and the yard at sunrise.


penelope said...

i really like these. i've hauled soil for raised beds via wheelbarrow and commiserate about the effort!

Geninne said...

Ethan's work is just wonderful!

Diana Sudyka said...

I agree with Geninne. Ethan has a really wonderful aesthetic and mark making. Thanks for the sketchbook peek; it's privilege to share.

Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

His artwork is beautiful...poetic.

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

At first I thought you had taken pics of an art book (no kidding)
I'm quite speechless at such a high quality art. WHat a talent he has !! What a honor to be able to see these. Thank you so much for sharing ! xoxo

little part said...

beautiful work...

Lari Washburn said...

Ethan's work is wonderful .So glad you shared this!

m.e.w. said...

Why did you leave? I hope you can go back to your garden and house someday.

nicole said...

AMAZING drawings!!!